Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Christmas Vacation

Christmas, the most wonderdul time of the year! The season most people is been waiting for. The season where you feel special even if it's not your birthday. It is the season of love!

Christmas is all about creating memories, sharing laughter, giving thanks and celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The true essence of Christmas is celebrating it with love and spreading love to everyone arounds us.

I spent my Christmas vacation simply. Every year, I celebrate Christmas at home with my whole family. Eating dinner together, attending the Holy Mass and waiting for the midnight to come so that we can greet everyone a Merry Christmas. It is pretty usual but somehow every year it feels different and special. 

We also had a mini reunion with our relatives from Bohol and Davao. And we planned for our grand reunion this coming summer, that makes us all excited! 

The New Year celebration was loud and colorful because of the fireworks and the noise everybody was making when the time hits 12:00am of January 1. I also spent it with my family and relatives and my siblings' friends. We ate media noche together after we attended the Holy Mass. 

That's how I spent my Christmas vacation. It is simple but spending it with the people you love make it so much special.